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Certified Cognitive Behavior Therapist

 Influencing cognitive thinking within behavioral circumstances that may reduce trauma to an individual

Cognitive Behavior Therapy trains the brain to think before reacting instead of reacting and then giving it thought. 


The tone of our behavior speaks volumes for our character. These characteristics mold the person we present ourselves as to the world when another genuine, authentic character lies within. Perception changes our reality. Let’s remove the layers together and replace them with more desirable habits encouraging positive outcomes.


This is not just a goal but a lifestyle.  Saying you’re worth it isn't enough, you have to believe it. 



- Help clients identify and uphold their values 

Create safe spaces for non-judgmental sounding board 

-Provide emotional and motivational support specifically during critical decision making stages, phases and life changing opportunities

- Help identify and eliminate limiting beliefs 

- Help form a clear, realistic, tangible vision of your further

- Assist with developing and formulating an action plan while motivating you to stay committed to the progress and achieve your goals



- Enhance clarity of thought 

- Maximize your potential with the intention to live to your fullest extent

- Identify discernment, boundaries and standards as it applies to daily living 

- Release of mental blockages, fears and insecurities 

- Acknowledge core values to achieve goals

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